The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) area provides you with all the necessary information that you should require for anything related to GDPR UK within Observe, as well as further information to help provide peace of mind regarding Sisra’s commitment to your data privacy.
You can access the GDPR area by navigating to Admin > GDPR.
For a copy of our Terms & Conditions, you can click on the link on the page or click here to access the Juniper Education website.
You can click on Access History to view a complete record of all Sisra staff who have logged into your Sisra Observe account and assessed your data held within Sisra Observe, to help provide clarity with regards to when and why we have accessed your data. For example, if you have been on Live Chat and spoken with the Support team.
You can also click Subject Access Request to find information to help you complete this request if needed.
Thanks for reading!