If you're logging in to Sisra Observe for the first time following a prolonged period, you might need to verify your email address in order to log in successfully.
Validating your email address
1. Log into your Sisra Observe account as normal (https://www.sisraobserve.co.uk/). When you first access your account, you may be greeted with the following page asking you to confirm your Email Address:
2. When you have entered your current school email address, you will be sent an automated email from the system asking you to click a link and verify the email address provided is correct.
3. The link in the email you receive will expire after 24 hours, however if you don't get to verify your email in time, you can simply restart the process above again.
4. Once you click the verification link in the email you receive, you will be redirected to Sisra Observe, where you will be able to log in as normal, which completes your email verification.
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