Student Groups consist of Focus Groups and Year Groups (Education accounts) or Course Levels (Commercial accounts).
Each Focus Group and Year Group that has been created an activated by a Sisra administrator will become available as a 'filter' in the Records and Reports areas of Observe. They can be used to narrow down the particular records or reports applicable to a certain group. As an example, in the reports you may wish to view just the outcomes for all males, or you may wish to see all records relevant to just year 10.
This article aims to explain how to filter your Records or Reports by particular Student Groups. A short video tutorial demonstrating this in the Reports can also be downloaded at the bottom of the article.
You can filter the Records area to narrow the results down to those relevant to a specific year group/course level or focus group. You can filter by template type using the relevant label and by year group/level or focus group by using the Advanced Search option.
To view reports based on a particular student group, click Reports > select Template Type (For example ‘Quality Assurance’) > click ‘Add Student Group Filter’ on the left hand side.
If any focus groups and/or year groups/course levels have been added to your records, you can select one or more from here to analyse. For example, as a secondary school you could filter your reports to analyse boys in Years 10 or 11 by placing a tick next to these selections then clicking ‘Apply’.
If you select both a year group/course level and a focus group from the window, this will perform an ‘AND’ search returning any records including both of these (rather than one or the other).
If you select multiple year groups/course levels, such as in the above example (or focus groups), then this will perform an ‘OR’ search which will return records with either of these year groups (or focus groups) selected.
Thanks for reading!