When exporting records, you have a number of different export options available:
- Full Record List (exports all columns from your records list, taking into account any search settings and filters you have applied).
You can also export a table displaying the number of published, draft and new records, as well as the overall total for each of the following:
- Category
- Department
- Team
- Staff
To export records, navigate to the Records area > click the Records tab > then click ‘Export’.
Then, select the export type, as explained above.
If you select to export category, department, team or staff records, you will need to specify whether you want to exclude or include zero rows. This determines whether rows will be included in the export which have no records against them. For example, categories that may be in your setup, but do not currently have any records created against them.
Then, click ‘Export’.
Below there are examples of the information which will be exported and how it will be displayed for each option.
Full Record List Export
The Full Record List export will export a list of all records, including information such as status, record name, date, faculty, subject, staff and observer, as well as any year groups or focus groups selected:
Category Export
The Category export will display the counts of either published, draft or new records created against each category:
Department/Faculty Export
The Department export will display the counts of either published, draft or new records created against each department, e.g. English, Expressive Arts, etc. alongside the selected category:
Team/Subject Export
The Team export will display the counts of either published, draft or new records created against each team, e.g. Art, Biology, etc. alongside the selected category and associated department:
Staff Export
The Staff export will display the counts of either published, draft or new records created against each member of staff, alongside the selected category and associated department and team. This may display multiple rows per staff member if they are in more than one team: