You can create actions for yourself or for other members of staff, allowing you to set reminders or inform staff of tasks that they should complete in order to improve on areas of development or for self-improvement. Actions can also trigger email alerts to notify staff and allow them to post updates to show progress on completing the set action.
For example, if you’re responsible for appraisals and identify a member of staff who is not on track to meet targets, you could create an action with a deadline outlining tasks to complete (e.g. peer observations) in order to help them reach this target. Similarly, if you recognise an area for your own self-development based on your performance review, you could create an action for yourself outlining how you plan to improve on this. They can even be used to remind staff to upload evidence that supports their achievements, or to upload resources from courses which could be useful for other members of staff. |
For information on creating and updating actions, see our article - FAQ - How do I add an 'Action'?