If you’re unable to use Online mode due to network restrictions, you can enable ‘Offline mode’ which allows you to manually add the columns you wish to format and upload into Observe as part of your Staff Filter/Class Context Data. You would only need to set this up once (unless additional changes are made to the profiles), and then the settings will be remembered.
If you make changes to your Staff Filter/Class Context Profile while Offline mode is enabled, please ensure that you manually update the columns in the Add-In to include them. Custom filters must match the names and order of the filters in your Staff Filter Profile and Class Context Profile in Observe. You can check these via:
To set up Offline mode, click the SISRA Observe tab > Manage Profiles > Offline tab.
Once you have read the information shown, place a tick next to ‘Enable Offline Mode’. Offline mode is now enabled and you can then customise the filters that the Add-In should reflect in order to format your data files. |
You can switch between the profile for your Staff Data and Class Context Data. On the right, you can use the buttons to add additional staff or class context filters set up in Observe, using the ‘Add/Delete Filter’ buttons. You can use the ‘Move Up/Down’ buttons to ensure these are displayed in the same order as your Staff Filter Profile and Class Context Profile in Observe. |
Once set up, for more information on preparing your files, feel free to see our articles - Preparing Staff Data or Preparing Class Context Data. |
Thanks for reading!