If you only have a small number of staff to create, or if you would prefer to do this manually, then staff can be created (and edited) within Observe by going to Admin > Data > Staff > Staff List tab.
After clicking ‘Create Staff Member’, you are then able to enter their details, select their associated Teams, and, if additional staff filters have been created and selected as part of your Staff Filter Profile, enter filter values related to the member of staff. Further information on adding additional staff filters is available in the Staff Filter Profile article.
Enter the staff details, such as Staff ID, Forename, Surname, etc. All staff need a unique staff ID. If you have an ID stored for each member of staff within your MIS, then this can be extracted with the staff data. If you don’t have an ID for each member of staff, then you can choose something that can be used as a unique identifier. This could be their pay role number or teacher number for example. Alternatively, you can make up a numerical ID for each member of staff but we recommend storing this somewhere as you may need it again for any amendments or future imports.
Then, select the team(s) applicable to the staff member.
Finally, enter the filter information for any staff filters you have created. Once the relevant information has been entered, you can then click ‘Create’ for this member of staff to be created within Observe.
Once a new member of staff has been created, we recommend checking if they also require login details to access the service. If so, they can be added to your user list in Admin > Users, during which you can link their user and staff details together.